Conrad Farlow has set himself the task of catching a barbel from “50” different rivers! I have been following his progress for a while, and when he mentioned that the Bristol Avon was proving to be a lot more difficult than he had anticipated, I thought I would lend him some support and try to get permission for him to fish on my club water. Having made the necessary arrangements a couple of weeks ago, we were ready for a try last Saturday. The river had been going up during the week and fishing well, it is a river that fishes well on the “up” but not always well when dropping. With this in the back of my mind we set off for the river and a 9am start.
This start allowed us plenty of time to walk the river and get a feel for it, it was dropping back from a few feet up, so this would make the chances a little fewer & farther between, but we had all day and into the evening, so no problem??
I am so glad that Conrad`s company was good, because the fishing was awful, we had a good laugh and though not even a Chub pulled our string properly, he was magnanimous and more keen for next time.
I will keep you posted…
Conrad has caught barbel from 45 rivers so far!! For the full list you can click this link;