On Sunday the opportunity arrived to fish with friends for an evening on the Warwickshire Avon, we opted for an area we could roam and drop a line in several swims. The river was up a few feet and coloured, (looking ideal) but we spoke to an angler who had been fishing the previous two days and had nothing. So we walked a good way away from the area he had been!! The first cast for me in a very likely looking spot before dark, produced a great bite and fight after just 2 minutes or so on meat, it was a 4lb barbel.
Thinking the fishing was going to take off, we were all surprised to have had nothing more by 11.15pm, (though the tempretures had dropped fast and a mist/fog had set in). Then a fish was lost to a hook pull for one friend, and then at 11.30pm the other had 2 fish in two casts in quick succession. I carried on waiting for my turn for the fish to have a spell, but they did`nt! We all went home happy to have had some action and get the heater on in the car.
Where next??