So with the season upon us, we set off for our camp in the Wye valley, we usually start the season from midnight on our camp, having set up tents and organised things on the 15th. Not so this year as we could not start until the 17th, so by late afternoon we arrived and got set, with the river just within the banks and looking very good for bites. After a lovely feed of chicken and chorizo “special” none of us could resist a start of season cast, so we sat in a line along the river and awaited what we thought would be the inevitable bites……
After an hour or so and not a bite between us, a move was in order, so I broke our line and set off for the next slack upstream. It proved to be a good move as eventually just as dark fell, a pull beyond doubt set into a fish of 7lb14oz, and the next cast with the last fish still resting in the net, the lead had barely hit the bottom and another fish was on! At 7lb12oz it was another good one for the start of our camp. Darkness now upon us and 15 minutes without a bite, time to get back and light the fire!!
Day two started at an easy pace as we all decided who was going where, and once it was decided, (Colin and I the Teme & the 3 others would try the Warks Avon) we set off. Upon the Teme conditions looked great with the river 8 or 9 feet up and coloured, but this would prove to be a deception. So travelling light and dropping in several swims with smelly baits was the chosen method, and after several swims and likely areas not a sniff. Then having spoken with another angler, we decided that, the up and down of the river and the disruption this had caused during spawning for the fish, was to blame.
Anyhow, unperturbed we headed back to the car dropping in swims on our way and our efforts paid off with this fish of 8lb having a go, it looked pale for the time of year. And then just before the car on the gravel shallows (under 6 extra foot of chocolate) another instant bite and a fish of 5lbs. A good result for an “out of sorts” river. With the heat of the afternoon upon us we stopped by the Severn for a fruitless hour, though I managed 40winks with the rod in hand!
The evenings bbq and beers told that the Warks was out of sorts too and a decision to all stay on the Wye next day was made. Colin and I set off for a beautiful stretch of the river where we were sure he would have his first of the season, and after an uncertain start this fight ensued and this fish resulted!
We went on to have a relaxed afternoon taking it in turns to catch fish, and make tea and coffee. After 6 fish a piece it was off to the pub to meet the others and watch the match –England won the group – (unbelievable).
Next day was “pack up day” all good things must come to an end. (Or must they)? After talking to our wives John and I obtained a stay of execution, so camp was not to come completely down until tomorrow Hooraah. We went for a leisurely fish and social, catching a few each and having an enjoyable relaxed end to a very successful trip.
I must admit I was so relaxed, but also overjoyed to see my family again. Until next time……