It has been a week now since going out and I was hoping to have ended June with a fish or two to report, but circumstances are conspiring against even getting out now for an early July fish!! I have unfortunately just lost my second grandmother in as many weeks, I know I have been lucky to have them for so long but still its a blow, and I am very busy with organising and things.
I hope to be letting you all in on some fishing stuff soon.
Tight Lines All.
Wednesday 27th June
Four rivers, lots of walking, eels, broken tackle and those were the good things! (Yea right)
After 2 separate big diversions because of road closures, and more miles than I would have wanted, I ventured out and tried to catch the river before first light. I thought that the best way to start this day would be on the Warwickshire Avon. I spent 4 hours biteless, dropping into several swims. I did manage to find a bank stick and a baiting needle belonging to my friend who was there the night before. I then headed back to the car for some well needed sleep and a rethink on where to go later this morning.
I decided I would travel across to the Teme, but on the way passing the river Arrow I could not resist a try. The first cast produced an eel, the second cast another eel, and then the third cast after 10 minutes or so, a big pull and a scrapping fish, which before I could see it – had shed the hook!! I am sure this was a small/medium sized barbel. There was debris on the hookpoint and this must have stopped the hook from holding properly (bad luck or bad angling)? Onwards and upwards!
I arrived at the Teme about noon(ish) with the sun shining and warming all below. The river looked great for bites and I tried all my known holding areas. And low and behold 2 chub and this lovely sea trout later, still no barbel. Upon returning the sea trout to the murky depths, my landing net wanted to follow and fell off the end of the handle! (Something else to fix)! Others on the stretch were struggling too. But at teatime, I did manage to witness someone’s 11½lb, beautiful big framed barbel. After helping weighing etc, I headed back to the car for tea, to regroup and to plan the last few hours of the evening.
Very tired, I made the decision to try yet another river, instead of staying for the evening on the Teme.
So, to the Lower Severn and homeward bound. I dropped into a few swims, which produced success for me last season. And as the sun set, the rod pulled over hard and I thought that my persistence had paid, only to find the distinctive fight of yet another eel was upon me. So after untangling the line and one more cast (just one more cast) it was 10.30pm and time to get home to bed. In this final part of the evening, I lost a feeder, a rig and noticed a big crack in my new head-torch – as if anything else needed to go wrong!
In this beautiful game of ours, there are good days and bad days, and for many different reasons (not just the fishing) the good outweigh the bad. This one is one that I shall certainly remember for various reasons and learn from.
So with the season upon us, we set off for our camp in the Wye valley, we usually start the season from midnight on our camp, having set up tents and organised things on the 15th. Not so this year as we could not start until the 17th, so by late afternoon we arrived and got set, with the river just within the banks and looking very good for bites. After a lovely feed of chicken and chorizo “special” none of us could resist a start of season cast, so we sat in a line along the river and awaited what we thought would be the inevitable bites……
After an hour or so and not a bite between us, a move was in order, so I broke our line and set off for the next slack upstream. It proved to be a good move as eventually just as dark fell, a pull beyond doubt set into a fish of 7lb14oz, and the next cast with the last fish still resting in the net, the lead had barely hit the bottom and another fish was on! At 7lb12oz it was another good one for the start of our camp. Darkness now upon us and 15 minutes without a bite, time to get back and light the fire!!
Day two started at an easy pace as we all decided who was going where, and once it was decided, (Colin and I the Teme & the 3 others would try the Warks Avon) we set off. Upon the Teme conditions looked great with the river 8 or 9 feet up and coloured, but this would prove to be a deception. So travelling light and dropping in several swims with smelly baits was the chosen method, and after several swims and likely areas not a sniff. Then having spoken with another angler, we decided that, the up and down of the river and the disruption this had caused during spawning for the fish, was to blame.
Anyhow, unperturbed we headed back to the car dropping in swims on our way and our efforts paid off with this fish of 8lb having a go, it looked pale for the time of year. And then just before the car on the gravel shallows (under 6 extra foot of chocolate) another instant bite and a fish of 5lbs. A good result for an “out of sorts” river. With the heat of the afternoon upon us we stopped by the Severn for a fruitless hour, though I managed 40winks with the rod in hand!
The evenings bbq and beers told that the Warks was out of sorts too and a decision to all stay on the Wye next day was made. Colin and I set off for a beautiful stretch of the river where we were sure he would have his first of the season, and after an uncertain start this fight ensued and this fish resulted!
We went on to have a relaxed afternoon taking it in turns to catch fish, and make tea and coffee. After 6 fish a piece it was off to the pub to meet the others and watch the match –England won the group – (unbelievable).
Next day was “pack up day” all good things must come to an end. (Or must they)? After talking to our wives John and I obtained a stay of execution, so camp was not to come completely down until tomorrow Hooraah. We went for a leisurely fish and social, catching a few each and having an enjoyable relaxed end to a very successful trip.
I must admit I was so relaxed, but also overjoyed to see my family again. Until next time……
Hi all, just back from a lovely few day`s camping and fishing, we had the lot weather and river levels wise….And of course, lots of fish. A more detailed account will follow very soon!
Well after watching that wonderful display of England`s domination, ha ha, I was off for the river and a chance to see the season in with a bend in the rod. Arriving an hour or so before light (the words to a Grease song, “Those summer nights” in irony in my head) I decided on a roving approach, only having a few hours before family committments. The river was well coloured and pushing through, so meat was the bait of choice and after a couple of wrong swims, seeing the river better and better, I had a great pull after the distinctive knock knock as the fish – picked up – and tried to engulf the bait.
A spirited fish of 3lb 8oz joined me on the bank, he would have struggled to get the meat in!
Then an hour or so after that fella, along came this one nearly twice the size and fighting hard as ever!
It was a struggle to pull off of the river as the fish were going to feed all day for sure, so all the very best to those venturing out this weekend.
My next trip is our annual start of season camp and fish, it is great to be with friends and share our passion for fishing and all things outdoor. Lets hope the weather just stays fair for a comfortable camp!!
Welcome one and all!
Well here it comes, only 5 days to go and the rivers will be open for us river fishers. I shall be having a little trip away to write about in the first week of the season!!
My targets & plans at present are to enjoy all that this seasons Barbel fishing has to offer, and it looks like the opening will be a coloured river affair. There is lots to plan and prepare and little time to do it.