Rest in Peace Steve Stringer. It was with great sorrow that many many fellow anglers and I, followed this tragic story of Steve Stringer who was a regular visitor to the stretch of river which last weekend took his life. … Continue reading
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A week or so ago, I had a call from a friend I have not seen for while and we arranged a convenient meeting on the banks of the Warwickshire Avon! There were lots of anglers around as this was … Continue reading
I had been promising the children a fishing trip with dad for a while now, and this weekend – even though I was full of a cold – was to be our chance. So with the rain beating hard and … Continue reading
Deciding to grab some hours fishing before any drop in water tempratures, I headed out on Tues evening after wrapping up the day`s other obligations. The river was very still and quiet and fairly low and clear too, it was … Continue reading
I was beginning to feel like I would never get out for a session, when the opportunity arose quite unexpectedly. I had been day dreaming of an area I knew well – and wondering if the fish would still be … Continue reading
I am delighted to announce that, from now on I will be available for hire, as a teacher of “Rivercraft and Angling Skills/Barbel Catching”. Having recently moved over to being self employed, it will now be possible for me to … Continue reading
Yes things have been very quiet on the fishing front for me and I have not been since getting in there with them. But I know lots of you are wondering when the next installment shall be, and it “will … Continue reading
After a fairly long old day, I had managed to get a few hours on the river and so the plan was to try the Lower Severn into the dark, and then change rivers to the Warks Avon, where they … Continue reading